Riot Twitter

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'President Trump incited the violent riots at the Capitol using social media & paid the price.' Eric Naing, a spokesman for Muslim Advocates, said Twitter 'is showing real leadership.' Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey affirmed the social media website bears responsibility for fueling the Capitol riot. Dorsey testifies remotely during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled, 'Breaking.

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Michael Roberts
A photo from our slideshow 'Day Four of Peaceful Protests Turns Violent at Night.'
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Downtown Denver is a mess after four nights of rioting in the wake of George Floyd's death at police hands in Minneapolis, but social media may actually be in worse shape. The reactions to the destruction on Twitter have been as divisive as the actual issues that cry out for examination, especially when it comes to the racial makeup of those responsible for the worst of the vandalism.

Everyone agrees that most of the damage in Denver and many other U.S. cities torn by unrest has been done by white people, and specifically, young Caucasian males. But online, there's been a President Donald Trump-inspired rush among conservative tweeters to pin the blame on Antifa groups — a highly dubious tactic guaranteed to further inflame an already incendiary situation — countered by assertions that fascist outfits actively engaged in disinformation are actually responsible.

Between these two extremes are the comments of folks who are simply sickened by the turmoil and the manner in which peaceful protests have been repeatedly subverted by white men over the better part of a week — and they're the ones we've focused on below.

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Continue to count down our choices for the most memorable tweets about the violence in Denver over the past four days.

Number 15:

Unicorn Riot Twitter

Something going on here? Denver, CO nightly riots are not the product of the peaceful daytime protests led by African Americans. Nighttime when riots starts it's mostly white people tearing up businesses everynight again and again the same businesses. Those businesses are hurting

Elijah Riot Twitter

— Marc Wells #VoteByMail (@Marctanmason) June 1, 2020

Number 14:

Just a thought: it would be nice to see cops in Denver (and elsewhere) NOT wearing full militarized riot gear to these mostly peaceful know, like they did when all those angry white folks with guns stormed the Michigan capitol to whine about masks or whatever.

— Kristi Jones (@kristijones5280) May 31, 2020

Number 13:

lol our store in denver got broke into during the riots... all white kids of course human garbage

— 80s goth stan (@Towelheady) May 31, 2020

Number 12:

Same in Denver. The anarchists causing the riots are all white!

— April Maestas (@amaestas2) May 31, 2020

Number 11:

Lotta hijackings going on. Portland (80% White) & Denver (75% White) are definitely a couple of co-opted Riots.

— Aaron Bitter (@HitMeOnMyBurner) May 31, 2020

Number 10:

See. I'm in Denver & MFs jus seen the opportunity to destroy & steal. Ain't no organization & on Day 1s riot it was mostly white people downtown.

— N's (@Fatts___) May 30, 2020

Number 9:

I have plenty of friends driving in from surrounding cities to March in solidarity with the #blm movement in Denver. Helping clean up this morning, after the unfortunate agitation that has happened the past few days that has hijacked the message of the movement.

— Kris Krinkles (@KrisBoheme) May 31, 2020

Number 8:


Doubtful these criminals who clearly have hijacked the cause big the protest will want to participate. Their plan and why here is clearly to cause harm and destruction. They need dropped in the sea.

Riot Twitter

Doubtful these criminals who clearly have hijacked the cause big the protest will want to participate. Their plan and why here is clearly to cause harm and destruction. They need dropped in the sea.

— Denver (@Denver09731428) May 31, 2020

Number 7:

IF YOU ARE WHITE STOP VANDALIZING!! We met 4 black ppl while protesting in Denver. They told us their story. We listened. We stuck together after that. We passed this fire. Cops attempted to place blame on our new friends. We spoke up. WHITE PEOPLE MUST STOP VANDALIZING!!

— Jillian Gonzales (@jillmgonzales) May 31, 2020

Number 6:

Not heeding the advice of African American protest leaders & fighting the police is a form of white privelidge. If things get out of hand, it won't be the white kids (let alone their community) that are damaging property in Denver & vandalizing capitol memorials to bear the blame

— Simon Maghakyan (@SimonforCO) May 31, 2020

Number 5:

@DenverChannel Denver 7 can you please make it EXPLICIT that the actual organizers' of the protest encouraged everyone to go home at 3:00 PM and remain peaceful. DO NOT allow listeners to blame Black Lives Matter for majority white people staying out

— Emma Freetly (@EmmaFreetly) May 30, 2020

Number 4:

Please, stop burning thigs to the ground. This is my home town & i work in Denver. Do we really have to have to burn shit?

— Samantha (@hashtaglilred) May 31, 2020

Number 3:

do not let things escalate. We will not be heard, and I also do not want to see my friends names as hashtags. Denver we really are better than this, we actually have a city/mayor who cares. I can't believe I'm saying this bc if I were in any other city I'd burn it down

— ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? (@Smalltiddythot) May 31, 2020

Number 2:

watched it happen with my own eyes in Denver. white people spray painting the capitol building while black people yelled at them to stop. insane.

— Taylor {} (@taylorfayeb) June 1, 2020

Number 1:

why are so many photos i'm seeing from denver just obviously white people trying to make riot porn. like i know why and i'm not surprised given how colorado is but it's still disappointing

— ???????????????????????? (@ihatecops420) May 31, 2020

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